Sunday, November 30, 2008

I need some input on a recipe idea that struck me today, I have not made this yet, but the idea just hit me while looking at some corned beef in the supermarket.Lately I have been trying to make homemade sausages using the sausage attachment to my kitchenaid. I tried some morrocan lamb sausages, but I way overspiced them, did some simpler lamb sausages that were good, but then put it away for a while.So today in the market I just happened to pass the corned beef, and I thought, "corned beef sausage?" I quickly realized that would not work, but then I thought, make corned beef hash, and stuff it into sausage casings, corned beef hash sausages. Think about it. Really think about it. Many people don't like hash because, well, it looks like it has been eaten already, and then brought back up. Yes, its a sign of the decline of our culture, that too few people appreciate the wonder that is corned beef hash. Now imagine it, corned beef, potatoes, onions, made into a good hash, then stuffed in sausage casings and fried again, a nice, neat hash package, with even more crispiness from the second frying. I am determined to try it.

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