Boneless short ribs braised in a mediterranean mole, with polenta, the povertiest-poverty food on earth, and now that its enriched, no chance of getting pellagra! One single shitake mushroom between Mrs. P and I, its still poverty food. There's nothing like the feeling of eating like a king for pennies!
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Dja make your own mole, Prommie? We have a bountiful harvest of habaneros (no, not the puros), jalapeños and even poblanos, but no clue where to start on the sauces.
Proverty frijoles
1 lb pinto beans
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Someone killed a pig or finished a ham frijoles
1 lb pinto beans
throw in the ham bone
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The garden did well and we made or bought some chicos and someone killed a pig or finished a ham frijoles
1 lb pinto beans
the ham bone
1/2 to 1 lb chicos (corn dried in the sun or in the oven [de horno])
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salt to taste
roasted green chili to taste
garnish w/onion (optional)
serve with fresh oven bread, tortillas or sopapillas
Love the blog - keep at it
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